MOS2 Antimicrobial Articles
Numerous scientific groups have published articles about the performance of antimicrobial devices that incorporate MoS2 and other materials.
This list of articles was assembled with bibliographic data from BioMed Central (BMC), PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science. Similar articles can be obtained from many Medical University Libraries.
Bio Med Central is a pioneer of open access publishing focussing on biomedicine.
PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journals, and online books and is curated by the National Institutes of Health.
Embase describes itself as the world’s most comprehensive biomedical literature database.
Web of Science describes itself as the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database, and as a powerful research engine.
Many of these articles teach that MoS2 deactivates the following pathogens :
Staph | Gram Negative Bacteria, | |
Gram Positive | Biofilm | |
Strep | E.Coli, & more. |
Unlike prior art antimicrobials, Chamberlin MoSt2u antimicrobial does not have chemical activity against pathogens, but rather Chamberlin MoSt2u antimicrobial deactivates pathogens with multiple non-chemical activities, primarily electro activities and mechanical activities.
Chamberlin MoSt2u transforms surfaces into antimicrobial devices.
Some veterinarians and scientists indicate that disease transmission from pet owners to pets occurs. Such transmissions are called reverse zoonotic transmissions.
Here is a database of scientific articles and popular newspaper and magazine articles which teach reverse zoonotic disease transmission.
This database also includes other articles which concern the health of pets.
These articles were acccumulated from scientific databases, veterinary databases, and mass media databases.
The article abstracts were found in Google Scholar, Agricola, Animal Health, CAB, VetMed, IVIS, and others. These databases can be found at major verterinary university libraries.
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